Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I'm back!!!

Time flies. Got a little busy. Then took a holiday. Got busy again, and well ... here we are.
I was determined to kick this off again with a post next week. But the headlines of the last couple of days got my attention.
Which headlines? Well, the Olympics and the Suberbowl stuff are certainly interesting. But for this little corner of the world I think we'll have a go at the "housing bubble" headlines, and the business of the Competition Bureau taking on organized Real Estate.
Stay tuned for a post on each sometime today.

And if you're thinking a newer, large-ish home would be nice but you want to stay in the Beach vicinity and don't want to break the bank, check out our little goodie at www.drop.io/enroutes (MLS E1781422)

By the way, the return of this blog is going to take a modified approach. Its main focus is still our take on the real estate market. It will still be largely non-promotional (except for mention of our new listings and the like). But it's going to be more fun and interesting.

Not that real estate isn't often interesting. But if this means I occasionally can't figure out any way to tie an interesting tidbit to real estate ... it gets posted anyway.

Talk soon.

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